

First of all, so it seems this Jack/Liz thing really had an effect me, or at least this is what I'm thinking after having spent three days watching videos on YouTube and reading fan fictions (in my free time,of course..ahah!):I need a cure!
And to think I didn't care about them together until Liz got married..so I guess I was just assuming it was going to happen some day?
I need to share this obsession with someone else (so please, tell me how you cope with that) and I'm dying to know how the show will end!

Anyway,today I'd like to talk about Once Upon A Time. On Sunday the mid-season finale of season 2 aired,so now we've got to wait until January to know what it's going to happen.
This episode was a surprise on some levels, and just a retelling of things I already knew on others.


Speaking about "things that we already knew", I think no one was actually surprised to find out that Cora is the Queen on Hearts in Wonderland: starting from her name,we've always been told she was an evil witch that even Regina was afraid of,so I was kind of expecting that.

It was interesting to see her becoming allies with Hook,altough he's starting to annoy me because I don't understand whose side is on. It seems quite clear that he wants revenge and he's ready to accept "help" from anyone who's going to give it to him.
I loved his interaction with Regina though!!I can't help but loving everything she does,so even this "new" plan she created with Hook was ok for me..until I found out he was still on Cora's side!

On the "surprise" side,I wasn't expecting to see Emma and Mary Margareth coming back to Storybrooke so soon. I thought they were going to stay in the other world longer, especially because David had just fallen asleep and they were still far away from resolving their problems.
However it was not so, and they were able to find magic in Rumple's cell (I was actually screaming to my laptop's screen "it's the ink he used for the paper!!!" for the entire episode,so in the end they got it too :) ), come back to where Cora and Hook were, fight them and open the portal.

This whole thing was a bit too fast in my opinion and I didn't like several things: first of all,when Snow frees the other from the cell and Aurora realizes she can't go with them because Cora is controlling her heart, I thought it was incredibly selfish for Snow to just say "oh ok,good luck" and go away. She didn't even try to find a way to solve the problem or at least to show a bit of comprehension. I've always found Snow particularly selfish when it's not about her own family,and this scene confirmed my feelings.

Then, the heart thing. Ok, they defeat Cora and Hook just give them Aurora's heart back, as if nothing happened??Yes,he's on his own side and he can decide whatever he wants but..he seems like he's not entirely sure of what he's doing.
And then,as I said before, Snow and Emma let Mulan go back to Aurora and basically abandon them at their own faith (in fact, they decide to go and "free" Philip from the monster).

Meanwhile in Storybrooke, Regina and Gold team up to fight against Cora: I was totally on board with this,I love the two of them and I just wanted to see them triumph.
However Henry, who's always very good at making Regina feel guilty, basically obliged her to do what he wanted (I still don't get why Regina cares so much about Henry..I personally can't stand him and I wish he'd go away with the entire Charming family - but then I assume the story would be over), so that Emma and Mary Margareth could come back. End of story,everyone's happy, Snow wakes David up with her true love kiss and they just go away,without even asking Regina to go with them?????

Sure they said thank you,but that was it. Oh God I can't stand them!!I hated the final scene when they were all walking together super happy..Emma is definitely Snow's daughter, as selfish as her mother!I know Regina is supposed to be the Evil Queen,but I think she's so much more!!!!!She's grown a lot in this first part of the second season, and she's got so many traits of her personality that make her special..so I just wish she could be happy!

This is why I was glad to see Cora and Hook arriving to Storybrooke..at least they will bring some action and they will make life harder for the "happy family".
Wow that sounded evil :)

So, in conclusion, I liked this first half and I can't wait to know what will happen in the second part.
I appreciated the choices the writers made, some more than others,and I loved the fact that they introduced new characters and new stories..this is what makes OUAT great,in my opinion.

The character I love the most is still Regina, followed by Gold and Jefferson (where is he by the way?).

I like Hook and Cora, a little less Aurora and Mulan (they are a bit useless).

I can't stand the Charming family (as someone may have guessed from what I wrote :P ), but I hope they will bring back Neal (is he Rumple's son,by the way?I think he is).
And bring August back too!!

Ok this is it for today..what do you think?
Did you like episode 2x09??I'd like to hear your thoughts!!

Thanks for listening and stay tuned!



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